This archive contains the source code and object files which accompany the
1992 QST Magazine article "Low Cost Digital Signal Processing for the Radio
Amateur" by Dave Hershberger, W9GR. These programs are not public domain
software but may be used for noncommercial purposes by amateur radio
operators and other electronic hobbyists. No "shareware" fee is requested.
A license is required, however, for commercial use of this software.
License inquiries may be directed to Quantics at the address below.

The QST Magazine article cited above describes a TMS320C10 based hardware
platform upon which this software runs. The hardware goes between a
communications receiver and a loudspeaker, and includes its own 1 watt
audio amplifier. The hardware is available in kit form (a printed circuit
board and all components which mount on it are included but no enclosure or
power supply is provided). The kit is available from:

     P. O. Box 2163
     Nevada City, California  95959-2163

The files in this archive are:

LMS.TMS             LMS algorithm automatic notch & denoiser filter
LMS.HXH             Intel hex file for 74S472 high byte bipolar PROM
LMS.HXL             Intel hex file for 74S472 low byte bipolar PROM

CW400C.TMS          200 Hz bandwidth linear phase CW filter @ 400 Hz
CW400C.HXH          Intel hex file for 74S472 high byte bipolar PROM
CW400C.HXL          Intel hex file for 74S472 low byte bipolar PROM

CW750C.TMS          200 Hz bandwidth linear phase CW filter @ 750 Hz
CW750C.HXH          Intel hex file for 74S472 high byte bipolar PROM
CW750C.HXL          Intel hex file for 74S472 low byte bipolar PROM

CW1KC.TMS           200 Hz bandwidth linear phase CW filter @ 1000 Hz
CW1KC.HXH           Intel hex file for 74S472 high byte bipolar PROM
CW1KC.HXL           Intel hex file for 74S472 low byte bipolar PROM

One final note: even though the QST article mentions that these files may
be found on COMPUSERVE, and even though I am listed as a COMPUSERVE member,
I almost never check in to that service. So if you send me electronic mail
via COMPUSERVE, I may not get it for a year (really)! But you CAN send me
e-mail via internet, which I check regularly. My internet e-mail address is
dlh@gvgdsd.gvg.TEK.COM and it is possible to send e-mail to internet from
COMPUSERVE (but don't ask me how).


Dave Hershberger