PSK31 - 31.25 baud for the TMS-320-C50
(C) Andrew Senior, G0TJZ 1997

This is SLOWPBP2 (Release 2.00) for running PSK31 on the TI C-50 DSP starterkit.

PSK31 is an weak signal mode and has an bandwidth of about the double
baudrate (62.5 hz)

The program can run either the original Ascii slowbpsk (SP9VRC) mode,
or the "Varicode" mode.

The DSK loader is incorporated in the driverprogram and after running this,
the PC-based user interface  starts up automatically.

Of the several improvements in this release 2.00, one is an good working AFC.

The program will run in an Win95 fullscreen Dosbox, though there is no garantee
for it.

Brief instructions:

1) Read the readme.txt and slowbp2.txt carefully

2) Configure the slowbp2.ini file:

   Comport, Callsign, Defaultmode (Varicode or Ascii), Frequency,
   Loadbaudrate, Screencolours etc.

3) Run slowbp2.exe: the driverprogram loads the C-50 and the PC-user
   interface will show up on the screen. You can always leave the program
   by hitting the Escape-button.
4) With noise on the input (left channel) of the C-50, you should see now
   in the tuning display random dots.
   When tuning in very slowly on an 1000 hz tone (if you put the Freq=1000
   in the slowbp2.ini file) you see the dot in the tuning display "walk" around
   untill you are exact on qrg. The AFC will react also.
5) Make for testing an audio-loopback from the left-channel output to
   the left-channel input of the C-50.
   Put the ECHO=0 in the slowbp2.ini, and WITHOUT your transceiver connected,
   start the slowbp2.exe, hit the F2 Tx-button and check if you can see your
   own typed text, because the program is full-duplex.
6) With the transceiver (USB or LSB in Vox-mode) on the dummyload, and the
   mike-inputlevel put low,  hit the F-2 TX-button. Best to use an
   monitorreceiver as well.
   Adjust the mike-input and drive-level of your transceiver for an clean
   signal and do NOT drive the TX in the ALC-region. Please also do this test
   with some text typed in, because the tx-ouput is about 50 percent on idle.
7) You can use 600-600 ohm audiotransformers for input/ouput to protect/isolate
   the C-50, and when you want to make an PTT-circuit, use an (darlington)
   optocopler (and some additional components) to separate the RS-232 of
   your PC and the transceiver.


Submitted by Paulus Straks, PA0OCD, with kind permission from Andrew Senior,