
                        D A S -- DTMF ACCESSORY SQUELCH

                              LIST OF PUBLICATIONS


                               Paul Newland, ad7i
                              Post Office Box 205
                               Holmdel, NJ  07733

        The following documents are currently effective for the DAS system
        (//QST//, December, 1995, pages 25-31) as of November 5, 1995.

        DASPUB3.TXT    Most recent version (951214/Iss-3) of "DAS List of
                       Publications".  That's this document.  Data is in
                       plain ASCII text format of 60 lines per page
                       (suitable for most ink jet and laser printers).
                       Just use DOS PRINT command.

        DASERR1.TXT    Most recent version (9511105/Iss-1) of "DAS Errata
                       Information".  Data is in plain ASCII text format
                       of 60 lines per page (suitable for most ink jet and
                       laser printers).  Just use DOS PRINT command.

        DAS51214.HEX   Most recent version (951214) of DAS object code in
                       Intel Hex format.

        DAS51214.TXT   Most recent version (951214) of DAS object code
                       with prose introduction and pagination.  Data is in
                       plain ASCII text format of 60 lines per page
                       (suitable for most ink jet and laser printers).
                       Just use DOS PRINT command to print.  See file of
                       same name with HEX extension for just Intel Hex

        DASCRG1.EXE    Most recent version (951105/Iss-1) of "DAS
                       Configuration Reference Guide".  Data is self
                       extracting archive.  Extracts to plain ASCII text
                       format file.  ASCII text file paginated for 60
                       lines per per page (suitable for most ink jet and
                       laser printers).  Just type DASCRG1 at the DOS
                       prompt.  After de-archiving process is complete
                       type PRINT DASCRG1.TXT to print file on printer.

      DAS PUB LIST                    -2-                     951214/Iss-3

        DASAN1-1.TXT   Most recent version (951105/Iss-1) of "DAS
                       Application Note 1 -- Operating with Fewer Controls
                       and Indicators".  Data is in plain ASCII text
                       format of 60 lines per page (suitable for most ink
                       jet and laser printers).  Just use DOS PRINT

        DASAN2-1.TXT   Most recent version (951105/Iss-1) of "DAS
                       Application Note 2 -- Selective Group Calling".
                       Data is in plain ASCII text format of 60 lines per
                       page (suitable for most ink jet and laser
                       printers).  Just use DOS PRINT command.

        DASAN3-1.TXT   Most recent version (951105/Iss-1) of "DAS
                       Application Note 3 -- ScanSop -- How to use DAS
                       with a Scanning Radio".  Data is in plain ASCII
                       text format of 60 lines per page (suitable for most
                       ink jet and laser printers).  Just use DOS PRINT

        DASAN4-1.TXT   Most recent version (951128/Iss-1) of "DAS
                       Application Note 4 -- Transponding -- Automated
                       Methods of Acknowledging SELCAL Messages".  Data is
                       in plain ASCII text format of 60 lines per page
                       (suitable for most ink jet and laser printers).
                       Just use DOS PRINT command.

        DASAN5-1.TXT   Most recent version (951128/Iss-1) of "DAS
                       Application Note 5 -- Special Remote Control
                       Applications and Operations".  Data is in plain
                       ASCII text format of 60 lines per page (suitable
                       for most ink jet and laser printers).  Just use DOS
                       PRINT command.
