This is a new release of DOS-APRS maps for Missouri and Kansas.  Maps included
in this distribution are either created, updated and maintained by Jim Duncan,
KU0G.  There is a registration fee which we request you forward in the amount
of $5.00.  This is a ONE-TIME VOLUNTARY registration and simply helps pay for
internet time in transferring files and helps my fiance live with my obsession
with sitting at the computer for hours!

Added in this release are all maps for the 1997 MS-150 Bike Ride as well as all
new maps created since the previous release!

There are TWO maplist files included in this distribution:

        This file is good for all areas of Missouri and a portion of
        Eastern Kansas.

        This list is good for all areas of Kansas and the Kansas City
        area of Missouri.

Previous releases of MOMAPS and KSMAPS are discontinued and no longer
supported.  This means that if you have previously registered the old MOMAPS
disk you will need to re-register.

Send registration to KU0G using the callbook address (

The use, modification, or distribution of the map files included in this distribution file, other than the specific
circumstances contained herein, is strictly prohibited by copyright.  All maps, unless otherwise noted in the individual header of each file, are Copyright
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by James Duncan, KU0G.  All Rights Reserved including any form of distribution.
The use of the map files contained herein in any manner other than with an individual installation of DOS-APRS, WinAPRS, or 
MacAPRS, is subject to license and usage fees.  Please contact KU0G for information on using these files in any manner
other than listed herein.